Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Twelve South BookArc To Turn Your iPad Into A Stylish Photo Frame

After their BackPack Adjustable Shelf for iMac, Twelve South is moving on to create accessory for iPad. This time, they introduces their latest creation called ‘TwelveSouth BookArc‘, an iPad Stand that can help you sit your ipad vertically or horizontally (landscape or portrait position).

This accessory give you the possibility to watch movie like watching on your netbook. After paired with Apple’s wireless keyboard, you will get one super tiny All-in-One Desktop computer where you can do all your email checking, web browsing or any activities that could be run on your iPad. Once docked on the TwelveSouth BookArc, your iPad is also looking like a stylish digital photo frame if you put some photo slideshow on it. Not too shabby for a $39.99 gadget.


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